We simply aim to offer the best service possible. We carefully choose suppliers who can provide the best service and supply us with products which meet our high standards. This ensures that our customers are confident in the products they buy from us.
Our soft furnishing manufacturing team are dedicated to maintaining our high standards. All items are manufactured using traditional methods, and to ensure our high quality standards are met. A single member of our production team crafts each product from start to finish.
We will do our utmost toÂ
- Use our 35 years of experience to offer you the best value products
- Offer you products we can deliver promptly
- Sort out any problems with the minimum of fuss
- Offer the same professional services we are renown for instore
We will do our utmost not to
- Compromise on quality of product or service
- Offer you products we cannot supply or have long delivery dates
In the unlikely event that a problem arises, we will do everything in our control to rectify it.