A guide to choosing the right blinds for winter

As the weather turns cooler you can turn up your heating but this won't stop warm air escaping through your windows. Double glazing will help prevent heat loss, however, you will also need to add further insulating layers on your windows via window blinds to retain as much heat as possible inside your rooms. Thermal roller blinds are a great way to add that extra layer to help prevent heat loss via your windows. They look like ordinary roller blinds, yet the fabric has heat retaining properties which, when they are the correct size and installed correctly, help prevent heat loss during winter and help you save money on your energy bills. During the summer the same blinds will help keep unwanted heat and harsh sunlight out of your rooms keeping them cooler.

Grey roman blind kitchen

Thermal blind styles

This style of thermal blind can be used as the sole window dressing in modern and contemporary interiors as they are available in a wide range of patterns, colours or plain, to suit your decorating motif. Pair them with full length curtains or drapes to achieve a more traditional swag and tail window dressing. With the swag and tails style of window dressing the curtains are left open at all times, it is the blind that is lowered to give privacy at night. However, if you have particularly draughty windows choosing thermal blinds and thermal curtains that can be drawn closed will give yet another layer of protection from cold air entering the room.


Roman blinds with thermal properties

Roman blinds can also have thermal properties. Some designs have multi-layers, including an insulating layer, to conserve heat inside the room. This type of window blind is ideal for single glazed and sash style windows. In order to work most efficiently they should be made-to-measure for a close fit that alleviates draughts.

living room striped blinds

It used to be a rule of thumb that the heavier the fabric the better insulating properties it had, however, this isn't the case today. Technological advances in special coatings and multiple layers means that many lighter weight fabrics can be equally as efficient at reducing heat loss. A simple thermal lining for a fabric blind can make a huge difference to the amount of heat lost. Triple layer fabrics have good insulating properties and yet can be used in any style of home.

Insulated vertical blinds

Insulated vertical blinds are another option that is perfect for patio doors, large windows and conservatories. They have a special external reflective coating which retains heat during the cooler months and help reduce heat and glare during the summer months. Venetian blinds which have internal honeycomb pockets are another example of the technological advances in heat conservation for window blinds.

hanging voils

It is estimated that at least 10% of heat is lost through even double glazed windows, the figure rises dramatically, with as much as 50% for unglazed or ill fitting windows. It is therefore essential that you think about these figures when choosing a window dressing, and while any type of window dressing will reduce some heat loss, those with thermal and insulating properties are more fit for purpose. Furthermore, any gaps around the blind will reduce their heat loss efficiency measurably, therefore, made to measure is undoubtedly the most effective style of window blind to reduce heat loss.

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